21 research outputs found

    Preparation, Proximate Composition and Culinary Properties of Yellow Alkaline Noodles from Wheat and Raw/Pregelatinized Gadung (Dioscorea Hispida Dennst) Composite Flours

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    The steady increase of wheat flour price and noodle consumptions has driven researchers to find substitutes for wheat flour in the noodle making process. In this work, yellow alkaline noodles were prepared from composite flours comprising wheat and raw/pregelatinized gadung (Dioscorea hispida Dennst) flours. The purpose of this work was to investigate the effect of composite flour compositions on the cooking properties (cooking yield, cooking loss and swelling index) of yellow alkaline noodle. In addition, the sensory test and nutrition content of the yellow alkaline noodle were also evaluated for further recommendation. The experimental results showed that a good quality yellow alkaline noodle can be prepared from composite flour containing 20% w/w raw gadung flour. The cooking yield, cooking loss and swelling index of this noodle were 10.32 g, 1.20 and 2.30, respectively. Another good quality yellow alkaline noodle can be made from composite flour containing 40% w/w pregelatinized gadung flour. This noodle had cooking yield 8.93 g, cooking loss 1.20, and swelling index of 1.88. The sensory evaluation suggested that although the color, aroma and firmness of the noodles were significantly different (p ≤ 0.05) from wheat flour noodle, but their flavor remained closely similar. The nutrition content of the noodles also satisfied the Indonesian National Standard for noodle. Therefore, it can be concluded that wheat and raw/pregelatinized gadung composite flours can be used to manufacture yellow alkaline noodle with good quality and suitable for functional food

    Reaction and Mass Transfer Kinetics Model of Hydrogen Peroxide Oxidation of Starch under Influence of Ultraviolet Irradiation

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    The coupled hydrogen peroxide/ultraviolet irradiation (H2O2/UV) process as one of environmentally friendly advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) has been successfully applied in the oxidation of corn starch. The aim of this work was to develop a simplified model for the describing of reaction kinetics and mass transfer phenomena of starch oxidation using hydrogen peroxide under influence of UV irradiation. The model development involved the elementary chemical and photochemical reactions as well as pseudo-steady state mass transfer of hydroxyl radicals from bulk liquid to the surface of starch particles. Effects of initial H2O2 concentration and pH were investigated. The results show that H2O2/UV starch oxidation follows the first order reaction with respect to H2O2 and starch concentrations. The proposed model satisfactorily describes the H2O2/UV starch oxidation phenomena, where very good agreement with experimental data was obtained. Hydroxyl radical’s mass transfer from bulk liquid to the surface of starch particles was found to be the rate controlling step for coupled H2O2/UV starch oxidation


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    Starch atau pati merupakan polisakarida hasil sintesis dari tanaman hijau melalui proses fotosintesis. Pati digunakan sebagai pengental dan penstabil dalam makanan. Pati alami memiliki swelling power, kelarutan dan derajat cross-link yang rendah. Modifikasi kimia dengan menggunakan minyak jahe yang mengandung gingerol, senyawa phenolik, akan memperbaiki sifat-sifat fisik pati dengan terbentuknya cross-linked. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh rasio berat pati terhadap volume air dan volume minyak jahe terhadap nilai swelling power dan kelarutan. Pati dengan berat 300 gr dimasukan ke dalam larutan air-minyak jahe dengan rasio berat/volume tertentu kemudian diaduk dengan magnetic stirer selama 30 menit. Kemudian, dikeringkan pada temperatur 50oC selama 24 jam, digiling untuk memperoleh serbuk pati yang halus. Pati hasil penggilingan ini disebut pati termodifikasi. Pati termodifikasi yang dihasilkan mempunyai swelling power (6,1-19,6) dan kelarutan (6.06-10,55%) lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan pati alami yang swelling power dan kelarutan masing-masing 8,7 dan 3,4%

    Kinetics of Starch Degradation during Extrusion Cooking of Steady State Flow Konjac (Amorphophallus oncophyllus) Tuber Flour in a Single Screw Extruder

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    The presence of glucomannan in Konjac (Amorphophallus oncophyllus) tuber flour has promoted its various applications, especially in the food, drink, drug delivery and cosmetics. Starch is the main impurity of Konjac tuber flour. Although the common wet refining method may result in a high purity Konjac tuber flour, it is very tedious, time consuming and costly. This research aimed to study the kinetics of starch degradation in the extrusion cooking process of dry refining method to produce high quality Konjac tuber flour. In this research, Konjac tuber flour with 20% (w/w) moisture was extruded in a single screw extruder by varying screw speeds (50, 75, 100, 125, 150 and 175 rpm) and barrel temperatures (353, 373, 393, 413 and 433 K). The results showed that the starch extrusion cooking obeys the first reaction order. The reaction rate constant could be satisfactorily fitted by Arrhenius correlation with total activation energy of 6191 J.mol−1 and pre-exponential factor of 2.8728×10−1 s−1. Accordingly, thermal degradation was found to be the primary cause of starch degradation, which shared more than 99% of the energy used for starch degradation. Based on mass Biot number and Thiele modulus evaluations, chemical reaction was the controlling mechanism of the process. The results of this research offer potential application in Konjac tuber flour refining process to obtain high quality flour product. Copyright © 2020 by Authors, Published by BCREC Group. This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0). 

    Extraction and Modification of Gum from Cashew Tree Exudates Using Wheat Starch and Glycerine

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengekstrak getah pohon mete dan memodifikasi sifatnya untuk dapat digunakan sebagai senyawa pembantu proses pengeringan menggantikan fungsi getah Arab. Dengan menggunakan getah mete termodifikasi dari penelitian ini, permasalahan biaya pada proses pengeringan jus buah dengan spray dryer dapat diatasi. Getah pohon mete dipungut dan diendapkan dari larutan hasil penyadapan dengan bantuan etanol sebagai antisolvent. Dalam penelitian ini gliserin dan pati gandum digunakan sebagai bahan tambahan untuk memodifikasi sifat getah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa getah pohon mete termodifikasi yang dihasilkan memiliki kualitas yang baik dan kesamaan sifat dengan getah Arab. Kata kunci : getah pohon mete, getah Arab, modifikasi, pati, gliserin The objectives of this research were to extract cashew tree gum (CTG) from cashew tree exudates and to modify it into a new drying aid, which can act as a substitute for Arabic gum. The cost problem faced in the spray drying of fruit juices is expected to be solved with the use of modified CTG as a replacement of Arabic gum. The CTG was extracted and precipitated from its raw cashew exudates solution with the help of ethanol as antisolvent. Glycerine and wheat starch were the additives used in the modification of the gum. The good quality of modified CTG was obtained based on their close similarity to Arabic gum properties. Keywords: CTG, Arabic gum, modification, starch, glycerin


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    Chicken bone is a waste of chicken meat processing industry and restaurants that has not been used widely, even though it contains valuable organic compounds that are functionals, such as collagenous and non collagenous protein. This research was conducted to investigate the effect of temperature and particle size on the protein extraction from chicken bones using dilute sodium hydroxide solution. Controlled parameters in this study were the solvent in the form of sodium hydroxide solution, extraction time for 1 hour, pH 10.5, the ratio of chicken bone powder: solvent (1:4 w/v), and stirring speed 200 rpm. While the operating variables included the extraction temperature of 30C, 55C, and 80C, and particle size of 150 and 250 μm. Experiments were carried out by heating of 300 mL of sodium hydroxide solution with pH 10.5 in a three-necked flask equipped with Leibig condenser, thermometer, mechanical agitator and sampling device to reach the desired temperature (30C, 55C, and 80C). Then, a total of 75 g of chicken bone powders with desired particle size (150μm and 250μm) was introduced into the sodium hydroxide solution and the stirrer was operated at speed of 200rpm. At every 10 minutes interval, as much as 10 mL samples were withdrawn for total protein analysis using Lowry-Folin method. The experiment was terminated after 1 hour. The results show that both increase in temperature and particle size caused an increase in the amount of extracted protein. Highest concentration of protein extracted was achieved at 630.99 mg/L, when the extraction was carried out using 250μm bone particles and temperature 80oC

    Modifikasi Pati Ketela Pohon Secara Kimia dengan Oleoresin dari Minyak Jahe

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    Modifikasi pati akhir-akhir ini banyak dikembangkan dan dipakai untuk keperluan industri makanan, kertas dan tekstil. Modifikasi pati, khususnya secara kimia dilakukan untuk memperbaiki sifat-sifat fungsional pati, terutama jika untuk keperluan bahan dasar makanan. Modifikasi pati ketela pohon dilakukan dengan mereaksikan suspensi pati dengan minyak jahe yang mengandung zat aktif gingerol pada suhu kamar. Hasil percobaan modifikasi menunjukkan bahwa meningkatnya perbandingan antara pati/air/minyak jahe (b/v/v), menghasilkan pati termodifikasi dengan swelling power, kelarutan dan kerapatan cross-link yang lebih tinggi. Pada komposisi pati terhadap air dan minyak jahe, 300:400:0,4 (b/v/v) menghasilkan pati termodifikasi yang cocok digunakan sebagai bahan pengemas makanan yang dapat dimakan (edible food packaging) dengan nilai swelling power, kelarutan dan kerapatan cross-link adalah 7,3 kali; 6,662 mg/mL dan 780,69 rantai/cm3. Sedangkan komposisi pati:air:miyak jahe sebesar 300:300:0,3 (b/v/v) merupakan komposisi terbaik untuk menghasilkan pati termodifikasi sebagai bahan pangan dengan nilai swelling power, kelarutan dan kerapatan cross-link berturut-turut adalah 8,96 kali; 10,55 mg/mL, 203,85 rantai/cm3. Hasil analisis dengan scanning electron microscopy (SEM) menunjukkan bahwa modifikasi pati ketela pohon dengan teknik cross-linking ternyata tidak mengubah struktur permukaan butir pati. Kata kunci: reaksi suspensi, pati ketela pohon, gingerol, swelling power, cross-link Recently, starch modifications have been developed and are applied for food, paper and textile industries. In general, chemical modification has been done to improve starch functionality, especially for bread, cake and snack making. In the present work, suspension method was used to modify cassava starch by gingerol of crude ginger rhizome extract at room temperature. The effect of starch/water/gingerol (w/v/v) ratio on swelling power, water solubility, and cross-link density of the modified starch was investigated. In addition, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis were also conducted to observe possible structural changes of the resulting starch. The experimental results showed that reactant composition that had a starch/water/gingerol (w/v/v) ratio of 300:400:0.4 produced modified starch suitable for edible coating with swelling power of 7.3 times, solubility of 6.662 mg/mL and cross-link density of 780.69 chains/cm3. Meanwhile, reactant having starch/water/gingerol (w/v/v) ratio of 300:300:0.3 produced modified starch that could be used for food with swelling power, solubility and cross-linking density of 8.96, 10.55 mg/mL and 203.85 chains/cm2, respectively. The cross-link densities achieved in this modification process were high and reproducible that indicated a strong interaction between starch and gingerol molecules in water as dispersant. However, there were no noticeable changes found from the micrograph of the SEM analysis on the external surface of the cassava starch. Keywords: suspension method, cassava starch, gingerol, swelling power, cross-lin

    Kinetics of Calcium Oxalate Reduction in Taro (Colocasia Esculenta) Corm Chips during Treatments Using Baking Soda Solution

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    AbstractThe oxalates content has caused limited utilizations of taro (Colocasia esculenta) as a food material. The insoluble oxalates, especially needle like calcium oxalate crystal may cause irritation, and swelling of mouth and throat. Removal of oxalates in food can be done by physical processes, such as soaking, boiling, and cooking or chemical process by converting them into soluble phases. The purpose of this research were to investigate the effects of baking soda concentration (0-10% w/w) and temperatures (70-97°C) on the reduction of calcium oxalate content in the taro corm chips and to develop a kinetic model of that process during boiling in baking soda solution. The kinetic model development was done by considering the dissolution of calcium oxalate, chemical reaction and thermal degradation that take place during boiling. The experimental results showed that increasing of baking soda concentration and temperatures were found to increase the reduction of calcium oxalate in the taro corm chips. Based on the product's functional properties, the best condition for calcium oxalate reduction was soaking in 10% w/w baking soda solution for 2hours followed by boiling at 90°C for 60minutes. The kinetic modeling concluded that the calcium oxalate reduction was found to follow a pseudo first order reaction. The modeling results showed that the model is able to represent the phenomena quite well with the apparent reduction rate constant, k = 15.77 Exp (21.239)/RT minute-1

    Modifikasi Pati Sukun (Artocarpus Altilis) dengan Teknik Oksidasi Menggunakan Hidrogen Peroksida Tanpa Katalis

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    Salah satu sumber bahan pangan lokal yang belum banyak dimanfaatkan adalah buah sukun (Artocarpus Artilis) yang cukup banyak terdapat di Indonesia. Akan tetapi, pemanfaatan buah sukun terkendala pada kurangnya daya simpan buah segar. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan upaya untuk meningkatkan pemanfaatan buah sukun dengan mengolahnya menjadi produk yang lebih luwes dengan daya simpan yang lebih baik, yaitu menjadi pati sukun. Sifat-sifat pati sukun perlu diperbaiki agar dapat digunakan sebagai pengganti tepung terigu. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memodifikasi pati sukun dengan cara oksidasi menggunakan larutan hidrogen peroksida. Dalam penelitian ini dikaji pengaruh konsistensi luluhan, konsentrasi hidrogen peroksida, waktu, dan suhu terhadap karakteristik fisikokimia pati sukun teroksidasi yang dihasilkan dan ditentukan kondisi optimalnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semua variable yang dikaji tersebut mempengaruhi reaksi oksidasi pati sukun. Oksidasi pada konsistensi luluhan 20%, konsentrasi hidrogen peroksida 2% dan suhu 50°C mampu menghasilkan nilai swelling power dan water solubility yang terbaik. Reaksi oksidasi tidak mengubah struktur dan morfologi pati sukun termodifikasi secara signifikan.   [Title: Modification of Breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis) starch through non-catalytic hydrogen peroxide oxidation] One of local source of food that has not been intensively explored is breadfruit (Artocarpus Artilis). However, the utilization of breadfruit is limited by the poor storage properties of the fresh fruit. Therefore, efforts should be made to improve the utilization of breadfruit to process it into more flexible products with better storability, suach as breadfruit starch. Breadfruit starch properties need to be improved so that it can be used to substitute wheat flour. The aim of this study was to modify the breadfruit starch by oxidation using hydrogen peroxide solution. This work studied examined the influence of consistency of starch slurry, hydrogen peroxide concentration, time, and temperature on the physicochemical properties of the oxidized breadfruit starch. The optimal conditions were also determined. The results showed that all of these variables affected the oxidation of starch breadfruit. The oxidation on starch slurry with consistency 20%, the concentration of hydrogen peroxide of 2%, and temperature of 50°C produced modified starch with best swelling power and water solubility. The oxidation did not significantly change the structure and morphology of the modified starch